Originally, the image came from a shirt I was designing for my friend Nick Mil. His pool team, "The Misfits" just won a tournament and will be going to Vegas for another tournament this summer as a result. With my brush pen, I redrew the standard Misfits skull (but left in the missing teeth). A few people told me that was stupid, that I should have just swiped it from the internet, because the logo itself is basically a photocopy of the face from this old Crimson Ghost serial poster. But I wanted something high resolution. After that, I just put 8-Balls over the eyes to somehow relate the concept to billiards.

After Nick's shirt was done, I started monkeying with the drawing, and for kicks I made it a Skeletor parody with the colors. I was amazed it got picked up as a shirt, but I am also happy now that I recycled the image. It was a happy accident.
This shirt is too damn amazing for it to only be available for 1 week!!! Is there anywhere else in the Universe (pun intended) where this MASTERS shirt is still available???