Philadelphia Cartoonist Society Pages

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Daily Comic Journal

Back in February of 2010 I didn't think I was drawing enough, that I was spending too much time on the computer. So, to force myself to pencil something, no matter what, everyday, I decided to keep a Daily Journal in Comic form. I kept this journal in a sketch book, just for myself.

I gave myself a few rules:

1. ) Write about what happened that day (and hopefully in an entertaining way), fit it within only one panel (though I began breaking that rule and would expand to 2 or 3 panels when I needed more room to tell the story).

2.) Don't spend too much time on the piece (it's a comic, not a painting) and use only Micron pens and Markers.

As I drew these, occasionally I'd like one or two enough that I'd send the comics to friends, They liked them enough and suggested that I post them somewhere, so I began posting them on my Facebook page. I got enough good responses on Facebook, that I decided to foist them on the public at large and post them on the net.

Feel free to check out my blog, The Blabbing Baboon where I post new comics every day. I have archives all the way back through April of this year. Here are a couple examples of the Daily Comics:

Here are a couple examples:

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is a great blog! Kept me entertained for a good 20m before I had to pull myself away. What an awesome challenge for yourself, and one that is creating fabulous results :)
